AIRIA sarà presente al World AI Forum 2025 di Cannes con tre sessioni dedicate.

Workshop Room 1, Feb 13, 15:00 to 15:30
A Global Outlook to Regulating AI - Rules, Policies and Trends From the World
How are countries and regions outside the EU approaching AI regulation?
What are the key differences and similarities in regulatory approaches globally?
What is the role of international bodies in shaping the global AI regulatory landscape?
How are specific industries, such as public procurement and legal tech, adopting AI and facing regulatory challenges?
Roberto Camilli (BDO)
Prof. Angela Ferrari Zumbini (Università Napoli Federico II)
Marta Colonna (AIRIA)

Conference Room 2, Feb 14, 11.40-12.30
Can Europe create a regulatory framework that fosters AI innovation while ensuring competitiveness, consumer welfare, and ethical development? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of different regulatory approaches? How can Europe balance the need for regulation with the risks of overregulation that could stifle innovation and hinder competitiveness? What role can industry, academia, and regulators play in shaping a successful AI ecosystem in Europe?
Federico Aguggini (Intesa San Paolo)
Prof. Francesco Decarolis (Uni Bocconi)
Prof. Elisa Giomi (AGCOM)
Sasha Rubel (Amazon Web Services)
Roberto Camilli (BDO)
Carmelo Fontana (AIRIA)

Main Room, Feb 14, 4.05 to 4.30
AI and Data in Focus: Exploring the EDPB's Perspective on Privacy and Innovation
How can Europe create a regulatory framework that safeguards privacy, fosters public trust, and promotes sustainable AI innovation?
What is the legal basis for training AI models in compliance with the GDPR, particularly in light of the EDPB's guidance?
What are the key challenges and opportunities for businesses in navigating the evolving AI regulatory landscape?
Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, Vice-President of the Italian DPA
Etienne Drouard (Hogan Lovells)
Anna Paola Lenzi (TeamSystem)
Massimiliano Masnada (AIRIA)
Massimiliano Pappalardo (AIRIA)